Mead-Phoenix 500kV Transmission Line Construction Project
Type: Transmission
Scope: Constructed 256 miles of 500kV transmission line including 956 towers.
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Client: Salt River Project
The Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District (“SRP”) is an Arizona state public electrical utility serving the Phoenix metropolitan area.
In January 1994, SRP contracted Irby to construct 256 miles of 500kV transmission line including 956 towers between Mead and Phoenix. Running parallel to the pre-existing Mead-Liberty 345kV line, the project incorporated the first application of a 500kV phase shifting transformer enabling 1300MW transmission capacity up to 2200 MW to Southern Nevada. The project was successfully delivered to SRP in September of 1995.
Start Date: January 1994
Completion Date: September 1995
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