The year 2021 marks a major milestone for Irby Construction. We’re so proud of this milestone accomplishment we’re celebrating all year.
We have made it to this juncture thanks to all the people of Irby. Exceptional tenure, leadership, and daily commitment to safety and our company values are essential ingredients to the Irby success story.
Likewise, we owe gratitude to our clients and partners—many of whom we have worked with frequently over the course of decades. We consider ourselves fortunate to have earned your trust.
Watch our Anniversary Video

We started as pioneers in our industry and that spirit prevails at Irby today.
Our company built the electric grid we’re expanding and upgrading today. We created construction processes that have been adopted as industry standards. And we continue to push boundaries.
This company has built electric power infrastructure all over the United States and abroad. From Alaska to Africa – we became known for our ability to tackle the biggest challenges and develop solutions.
At 75 years old, this company’s experience is storied, and our track record is solid.
Today we are standing on the solid foundation our history provides. But we refuse to rest. It’s not in this company’s DNA.
We’re growing like never before. We’re expanding our scope of services. We’re employing new technology. And we’re continuously raising the bar for safety, training, and productivity.

Our industry will continue to change but one thing will always stay the same. Irby’s approach to absolute performance and our family-first culture is forever here. It’s what shapes the experience of working with our team. Count on it.
Miles of line constructed
Projects completed
Employees and growing all the time
% Of our team with 10+ years of tenure

Stuart C. Irby founded Stuart C. Irby Company, which specialized in wholesale electrical supplies and electrical contracting...

Irby Construction Company was chartered as a separate organization headed by Stuart C. Irby, Jr., son of the founder...

Irby Construction Company had successfully constructed projects in 36 states, and by 1966, it had constructed more...

Irby constructed the first 765kV project in the U.S. in 1967, completing the project in 1971.

Irby constructed transmission, distribution, and substation projects in Java, Indonesia...

Irby constructed a 112-mile, 400kV transmission line project in South Africa. This same year, Irby also began 12....

A leader in safety, Irby established a lineman apprenticeship program that received certification from the U.S...

Irby Construction Company completed a 192-mile 345kV transmission line for NV Energy...

Irby Construction Company was awarded a 5 year transmission line construction and maintenance contract for...

Quanta Services merged Okay Construction operations into Irby. This same year, Irby Construction Company...

Irby Construction Company moved into our new corporate headquarter in Richland, Mississippi.

Irby Construction completed the 230-mile Central Loop of Maine Power Reliability Program (MPRP)... Read more

In December of 2015, Quanta Services announced its appointment of Mr. Lee Jones as President of Irby... Read more

Continuing its tradition of innovation and expansion, Irby launched its outdoor lighting service in 2017... Read more

June 22, 2017: Irby was recognized at the 2017 Best Places to Work luncheon hosted by the Mississippi Business Journal.

November 10, 2017 Irby opened a new 14,000 sq ft office in Lockhart, Texas. The office serves LCRA ad other clients in central Texas and features 4,000 square feet of office space and 10,000 square feet of warehouse.

December, 2017 Irby Construction expanded its offering by creating an underground construction division.

Irby’s parent company, Quanta Services, acquired Northwest Lineman College. NLC is the electric power industry’s largest educational and training institution.

March 27, 2019 Irby President, Lee Jones, was recognized by the Mississippi Business Journal as one of the state’s Top CEO's for 2019, by the Mississippi Business Journal.

August 5, 2019 Irby Construction acquired Marathon Construction Services, expanding it’s foundation capabilities. Marathon operates as a division of Irby Construction.

October 7, 2019 Legend Foundation Services (“Legend”) was created after the acquisition of several foundation crews. A division of Irby Construction Company, Legend is a 50-employee company based in Broussard, Louisiana with specialized experience and capabilities working on complex projects in foundation construction, caisson installation, pole setting, as well as especially challenging amphibious foundation construction activities.

In December 2021, Irby Construction completed work on-site at Manatee Battery Energy Storage Center (BESS) and substation, which consists of 132 new battery line-ups connected to a new 230/34.5 kV substation. The Florida Power and Light project included the placement of 53,144 individual battery modules on a site that is the size of 3 football fields. At the time of completion, Manatee Battery Energy Storage Center was the world’s largest solar-powered battery. Read more

Jason Clayton was promoted to President of Irby Construction Company, effective January 31, 2022 Read more
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318 Old Highway 49 South
Richland, Mississippi 39218-9449
Phone: 601-709-4729
Email: [email protected]
Irby Construction Company
Irby Construction Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE: PWR).