Irby Construction Company Participates in Youth Safety Event

Irby Construction Company Participates in Youth Safety Event

Irby Construction Company Participates in Youth Safety Event

Families and volunteers gathered for the first Citrus County 4-H Progressive Agriculture Safety event earlier this month and Irby Construction Company employee Brian Thomas was on hand to teach participants about electrical safety.

Irby is proud to share our “tools of the trade” with this special audience. Each year, Progressive Agriculture Safety Days© educates thousands of kids across the United States and Canada with potentially life-saving information.

Participants rotated through educational stations to learn about safety and health with hands-on activities. in addition to Irby’s participation, Citrus County Sheriff’s Office taught safety on the water with whistles, sharing a water plan, and avoiding swimming alone. A full story about the event was featured on  

The event was sponsored by the Citrus County 4-H Foundation, Ag-Pro of Crystal River, State Farm-David Rom, Florida Best Blueberries, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Florida Department of Health in Citrus County, and Hernando-Citrus Farm Bureau.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), injuries are the major cause of childhood emergency department and hospital visits. Often, these childhood injuries are preventable. Safety education and awareness are keys to prevention.

wind catcher

National Linemen Appreciation Day 2022

National Linemen Appreciation Day 2022

National Linemen Appreciation Day 2022

April 18th is a special day in the construction industry: National Linemen Appreciation Day. This nationally recognized holiday honors linemen all over America for their hard work, bravery, and commitment to safety in all that they do.

This year, Irby encouraged everyone to #lookuptolinemen not only as they work on towering electrical lines, but also as individuals. We are so grateful for linemen here at Irby, whether that be for their grit, determination, or character. Linemen are such an important part of the Irby family, and they truly make the world go ‘round!

Pictured above are our lineman with their National Lineman Appreciation Day Gifts. We distributed gifts to all linemen on the field, featured them on social media throughout the day, and thanked them on our online guestbook here. 

“We appreciate Irby linemen every day of the year” said Andre Foster, Vice President of Business Development and Major Projects. “On National Lineman Appreciation Day we work to make sure all linemen feel honored.”

wind catcher

Irby’s Jeff Pittman Receives Quanta Award Recognition

Irby’s Jeff Pittman Receives Quanta Award Recognition

Irby’s Jeff Pittman Receives Quanta Award Recognition

Each year, Quanta challenges its employees and all operating units to apply for the CEO Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award. This award brings recognition to the spirit of the individual(s) and operating unit(s) that foster the successful implementation of innovative thinking and the entrepreneurial spirit.

Irby Construction’s Jeff Pittman was honored in the top 10 of the 2016 submittals considered for the Award. Jeff is a utility construction worker who created a line of field applied attachment points for equipotential grounding work in the high-voltage industry referred to as the “Specialized Tool to assist with Equipotential Grounding.” Due to the high risk of electrocution when working around live equipment, it is important to ensure that all nearby surfaces are at the same potential or voltage. Jeff’s invention consists of a means by which high reliability and low resistance grounding connections can be provided for equipotential grounding used in high voltage work.

This safety-enhancing tool is sturdy and durable, and it can be used in equipotential grounding and bonding for high voltage work. It also provides enhanced grounding ability when performing maintenance or repair work around high voltage lines in a manner which is quick, easy, and effective.

“I guess you could say that one could never predict the outcome unless you put forth the effort and try,” Pittman said. “It’s like playing the lottery-you can’t win unless you enter the drawing.”

Congratulations Jeff, on your admirable commitment to safety and your Quanta-recognized invention.
