Irby Construction hosted a blood drive through Mississippi Blood Services (MBS) at the Richland office on Monday, June 5, 2017. Over 30 Irby employees donated blood, with some of us giving double, for a total of 39 units donated.
“I never used to give blood, but I’m healthy, and I realized that there’s really no reason for me not to donate,” Lisa Albright, Assistant to the Irby’s President said. “Now I donate every month that I am eligible. So, I was happy to give at the Irby blood drive.”
The blood drive is a way to give back to the community as well as those who participate. According to, there are health benefits that donors realize as a result of donating blood, such as more balanced iron levels and better blood flow. MBS launched their Road2Life campaign that registered every donor to win a Dodge truck with a value of over $40,000, which was one more positive factor of donating blood.
MBS Marketing Representative Dana Brohaugh commented, “MS Blood Services requires hundreds of units every day to supply blood and blood products to our hospitals for their patients’ needs. Because of the generosity of Irby employees, we were able to collect 39 units, which in turn can help save up to 120 Mississippian’s lives!”
After the success of this event, we look forward to hosting more blood drives in the future through MBS, Mississippi’s only donor service headquartered in the state.