Battery Unit Installations Underway at Manatee
On June 23, 2021, Power Engineering published a story on their website featuring an update on the construction progress being made at Florida Power and Light’s (FPL) Manatee Battery Storage Project. The FPL release on which the story is based marks the milestone of the first battery storage unit installations. When complete, the facility will be the largest solar power-battery storage facility in the world. Irby expects to complete construction later this year.
The article includes some fun facts about the recently installed storage container which is the first of 132 units to be installed. For example, each unit holds approximately 400 battery units and weighs approximately 38 tons. And each battery module is the equivalent of about 2,000 iPhone batteries. The units will store the extra solar energy produced by the FPL Manatee Solar Energy Center.
FPL announced the project in March of 2019. Read about the project scope and details in their release.
Irby’s scope of work is detailed in our project profile. You can also see additional news media coverage on the project in Energy Storage News, Power Magazine, and Daily Energy Insider.